If you love minimalist designs, I’m sure you will also love minimalist wallpapers. These kind of wallpapers are unique in the sense that they draw their beauty not from their intricate details or patterns but from the simplicity of their design. So what you see, are only the most basic elements harmoniously blending against their background. As the design community has it, minimalism follows the maxim “less is more”.
The idea behind minimalism as a whole, and in particular minimalist wallpapers, is that the art piece has to be stripped down of everything down to its essential quality to achieve simplicity. This does not mean however that it should be completely without ornamentation, but simply to have all parts and details reduced to the point where nothing can be removed further to improve the design.
Here, we are sharing with you creative and minimalist wallpapers that you can use on your PCs for free. If you are looking for a PC wallpaper, then these minimalist wallpapers might be the one you’ve been waiting for. If you have any comment of suggestion, try to write them down here. We will also be happy if you will share this article to your friends in the social media. Enjoy!
One Response to “80+ Creative Minimalist Wallpapers for your PC”
May 26, 2012
raybakwow this is one huge collection of minimalist wallpaers..