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Having a great logo is critical for organizations to build a strong brand. While there are nearly endless strategies available for designers to make logos unique and easy to remember it turns out not to be easy at all to create a winning logo design. A popular approach is to use symmetry one way or the other and it is not a new trend at all as you will find symmetry to be used heavily in logos used by old and highly recognized brands. As you will be below a symmetrical logo can have many forms and be created in many variations but all with good results. A symmetrical logo typically have a mirror effect where a key part of the logo design is repeated one or more times or simply mirrored in such a way that the left side will be identical with the right. A good symmetrical logo however often is more than a mirror of a design element but often use the symmetry to create a special visual effect making us wonder what is going on and this way remember the logo.
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